Wednesday, April 24, 2013

11 // 52

Who doesn't like a chubby little baby tush?

*A portrait of my child, once a week, every week for one year. 
(I took my inspiration to join CheandFidel's year long photo series from Bleubird blog )

Sunday, April 21, 2013

10 // 52

A little morning play time, figuring out this standing up business. 

*A portrait of my child, once a week, every week for one year. 
(I took my inspiration to join CheandFidel's year long photo series from Bleubird blog )

*oops! forgot to post this one last week, again! I'm taking the photos in the right week, at least. It's just editing and posting that takes me forever. World class procrastinator. 

Monday, April 15, 2013

9 // 52

Happily playing with toys. 

*A portrait of my child, once a week, every week for one year. 
(I took my inspiration to join CheandFidel's year long photo series from Bleubird blog )

*oops! forgot to post this one last week. 

Saturday, April 6, 2013


Watching: Game of Thrones! The third season just started, here's hoping it's good! We've also started watching the show Vikings from the History channel. Pretty good. Oh! And movie wise, we just watched Rise of the Guardians which was super cute!

Thinking about: Still have a bit of wanderlust. I want our little family to travel! We're going to make it happen, I think later this year. Also thinking we may take a little trip over to the east coast of Florida for a night. I think a little getaway, just the three of us, would do us good. :)

Reading: Oh, man. I just finished the last book in the Mortal Instruments series by Cassandra Clare. I loved it. Now I have to wait a year for the next book! Such a bummer. I'm not sure what I'll start next, but I know the last book (ever) in the Sookie Stackhouse series comes out next month. All I have to say is Sookie better end up with Eric, or I'm going to hurt someone.

Listening: Right now the 'tiny ugly germs' song on Yo Gabba Gabba. In general, I've been listening to the Joy the Baker podcast, the simple mom podcast, the uhh yeah dude podcast....lots of podcasts. Søren and I have been having Weezer dance parties which has been excellent! Weezer is one of those bands that just makes me smile. I'm happy to share them with Søren.

Making me happy:  We've been taking family walks together every day. Our goal is to do a mile a day in April. A simple, attainable goal. So far so good! It's really been nice and it's been a great little block of time to spend together. Also, beach weather, salsa, sandals, maxi dresses, margaritas, sunshine, all things summery and lovely. I know spring just started, but I have been in such a summer mood! I'm living in maxi dresses and sandals.

8 // 52

I can't get over his beautiful, perfect face and his fuzzy little head. I love him so!

*A portrait of my child, once a week, every week for one year. 
(I took my inspiration to join CheandFidel's year long photo series from Bleubird blog )