Saturday, July 27, 2013

24 // 52

This week, I couldn't pick just one. He's growing so quickly! I swear he grew an inch during nap time today.

*A portrait of my child, once a week, every week for one year. 
(I took my inspiration to join CheandFidel's year long photo series from Bleubird blog )

Saturday, July 20, 2013

23 // 52

My little explorer.

*A portrait of my child, once a week, every week for one year. 
(I took my inspiration to join CheandFidel's year long photo series from Bleubird blog )

Saturday, July 13, 2013

22 // 52

 One of his favorite things to do:  pull diapers out of his diaper basket. On tip toe!

*A portrait of my child, once a week, every week for one year. 
(I took my inspiration to join CheandFidel's year long photo series from Bleubird blog )

Saturday, July 6, 2013

20 & 21 // 52

Exploring his room. Another iPhone photo! Sadly didn't take out the real camera that week!

Post dinner, pre bath. He doesn't like the feeling of the pool deck on his knees so he bear crawls around.


*A portrait of my child, once a week, every week for one year. 
(I took my inspiration to join CheandFidel's year long photo series from Bleubird blog )